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How To Survive When The Ship Is Sinking

January 20, 2015

Your ship is staggering on current of water; calm-down and quick reaction will help you to save life. Here EVIVA TOUR VIETNAM is pleased to give a few notes to help you escape with safest way.

The main cause of this accident is the limitation of transport and subjective attitudes of passengers.

Always keep life jacket beside you

Passengers on boats always have a life jacket. If you are lazy even from the beginning, you should set it right next to or under your foot. As soon as you felt the problem, then you quickly put life jackets on.

Tell those around you to put down heavy things as low as possible, to avoid it falling and cause injury. Then move towards to the ship center.

With important moment like this, you have to try to remain calm, not to panic.

Scoop water out of the boat

Find items which can scoop water out of the boat…While moving the water out the boat please encourage and remind people to keep a low position, if they get agitated and stand up so the disaster will happen immediately. Do not forget to ask about where the float is?

Russian tourists at Xom Moi market in Nha Trang City

Russian tourists at Xom Moi market in Nha Trang City

Clinging to floating objects

If the ship starts to sink, throw all the things that can floated as water cans, sponges … into the water.

For large ship which has lifebuoy, you should move in the direction of those who directly work on the ship, not hastily jumped into the water or under floor.

For those with no lifebuoy, you have to help yourself calm down because this time will be less chance of survival. Most of the boats sank slowly so you still have a little time to look around, find the floating objects and jump in that direction.

Stay away from sinking boat

You need to consider before you jump off the boat. Do not jump on people, do not jump into the places where a group of people clinging one object. Let’s use the power to jump off the boat as far as possible,

After you jumped out, this time becomes extremely important. You can survive although you cannot swim if you perform these following actions:

– Keep calm

– When you are calm down, you should lay back and relax your body.

– If after jumping off the boat, you have stacked to an object with a group of other people, then let’s encourage each other. Positive attitude in an emergency like this is very important. Take a look around to find more things which can help you to survive like bottle of water or snack.

To minimize the risks when travel on boat or ship, you should always remember to wear life jacket and put yourself in a state ready to deal with any problems. You should also learn how to swim for both strength training and more skills to survive.