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Covivac – a made in Vietnam vaccine-is officially on trial

March 29, 2021

The world is in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic and COVID vaccines are becoming an indispensable part of the global response to a pandemic.

The vaccine passport is now at an early stage of development and you may be required to be vaccinated and have a vaccine passport in the coming period so that you can travel freely to other countries.

Covivac - a made in Vietnam vaccine-is officially on trial

Advising volunteers to register for COVIVAC vaccination trial at Hanoi Medical University.

In case you are in Vietnam, you should know all the things about Covid 19 vaccines in Vietnam, which will be detailed in this article. Like many other countries around the world, Vietnam is in the process of developing its Vietnam-made Covid vaccines.

On March 15, the COVID-19 vaccine made in Vietnam, COVIVAC, which was researched and officially produced by the Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC), officially injected for the first phase of clinical trial at the Hanoi Medical University.

So far, COVIVAC is the 2nd COVID-19 vaccine in Vietnam to conduct clinical trials. Previously, COVID-19 Nano Covax vaccine of Nanogen company completed phase 1 trial, and started to inject phase 2 from February 26. After 7 months of research (from May to December 2020), IVAC has successfully produced 3 consecutive batches on a large scale, from 50,000 to 100,000 doses per batch. According to calculations, each dose of COVIVAC vaccine does not exceed 60,000 VND,

As with any vaccination, some side effects have been reported. These include injection site pain, headache, chills, fever and tiredness. In the vast majority of cases, these symptoms disappear quickly after vaccination.

How to register Covid 19 vaccine in Vietnam?

You can register a Covid vaccine shot in Vietnam online easily by following these 02 steps:

Step 1: Access to the Covid vaccine registration portal

Here is the address to come

This page is in Vietnamese, so you can ask someone who knows Vietnamese to help you or follow our guide in step 2.

Step 2: Complete the Covid 19 vaccine registration form

Here are the details that you need to provide in this form:

  • Họ và tên – Your full name,
  • Email
  • Số điện thoại – Your phone number,
  • Giới tính – your gender, just select: Nữ – female, or Nam – Male,
  • CMND (nếu có) – ID card (if any): this is an optional field, and you can fill in your passport number of leave it blank,
  • Ngày sinh – Your date of birth, select from the calendar, in DD/MM/YYYY format,
  • Địa chỉ – Your address
  • Tỉnh/Thành – Your province/City, select from the drop-down list.
  • Quận/Huyện – Your district,
  • Phường/Xã – Your ward/commune,
  • Vắc-xin đăng ký (chọn vắc xin Covid-19) – Select the type of vaccine. It should be Vắc xin Covid 19 (Covid 19 vaccine).

And then, you click on the button “ĐĂNG KÝ VẮC XIN” – REGISTER VACCINE to complete your registration and wait for your turn.


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